Thursday, April 17, 2008


Well if any of you read my spiritual blog My Forty Days then you know that purpose and passion are a major focus in my life. It started with the book Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren. I started the book after leaving my part-time job from home with the intent in finding my new direction in life, my purpose. What I've come to learn through the book is that our purpose is not in what we do for a living or what our hobbies are but who we are in Him. In my spiritual blog I last outlined five areas of our lives in which we live a purpose filled life in serving him and glorifying him. Those are worship, loving, becoming Christ like, serving others with our gifts, and telling others about him. These five areas are how we glorify God. If we live a purpose driven life with the knowledge that our purpose is to glorify God then we develop a relationship with Jesus that continues to deepen over time. Through that relationship we learn to walk in love, walk in the spirit, and obey his still small voice. When we get that right then God's personal plan for each of us on this earth will come to pass. We each have been given specific gifts and talents and it is our responsibility to learn how God wants us to use them. It is not a good idea to come up with a plan of our own, picking and choosing among our gifts then asking God to bless our plan. We need to be diligently seeking him and his will for our lives. When we walk in his will we will be blessed.

With that said, Leslie over at My Happily Ever After has linked some ladies together to get to know each other on a deeper level. What are we passionate about? Many of my readers get a glimpse of my day to day life, the quirky things my children do, the funny things they say. Speaking of which before Tyler left for camp he was concerned about the weather and gave me another mini-science lesson on meteorology for the week. It was too precious. He moved his arms around just like our local meteorologist Chuck Gaidica! Anyway, places I've fallen like disputing with my sister-in-law, figuring out my new camera, etc. I do share some of my most intimate thoughts on my blog though and I get the sweetest, most sincere responses. I feel more connected to a few ladies I've never even met than I do to some of my friends and family I see regularly. I'm glad to know after reading the blogs of a few ladies today that I'm not alone in that.

So what am I passionate about?

First and foremost I am passionate about Christ. I am passionate about what he did for me, for all of us. I am passionate about living a life that reflects and shines his love. I am passionate about getting so deep in Jesus that when people look at me they scratch their heads and can't quite put their finger on what is up with me, why I glow. I'm passionate about being molded into a person whose heart and behavior matches how Jesus sees me. I'm passionate about raising my children to discover their own passion for Christ. I am passionate about being in his presence; I'm addicted to that feeling of utter fullness when my cup runneth over and words can't express or define the glory and majesty of all that he is. My passion for Christ fills my heart daily, sustains me, and seeps into the people around me. My passion for Christ further develops and defines my gifts and my passion for using those gifts to be a blessing to others.

God comes first, my family second, and all else after that. I've discussed my first passion, my passion to my children is ministering to them. Not an area I feel very strong in. I want my children to feel loved, safe, and protected. I want to continue to develop and unbreakable, unshakable bond with each of them. I want to know them deeply and personally. I want them to see Christ in me, not just on Sunday but every day. I want my life to be an example of how they should live theirs just as Christ was for us. Christ is their ultimate example but it's important that we demonstrate on earth for them. It's important to me that my children learn that they are not expected to be perfect, it's okay to miss it sometimes, preferred even. It's important for them to miss it as children so they learn early on as an example from their parents and Jesus himself that they have forgiveness, grace, and mercy. It isn't the mistake that is important but where we turn first and what actions follow.

My other passions are for writing and photography. Writing hasn't always been a passion of mine, I took it for granted for a long time. All I know is that it is a divine gift from God. When I write thank you notes to family or other sweet notions I am often told it brings them to tears. The Holy Spirit freely flows as I write. I often go back and read my own stuff and scratch my head; I know it didn't come from me. I'm not sure how I'm doing on the blog front but it isn't my passion to be entertaining but to allow Jesus to use me as a vessel to bless others. I am passionate about achieving that kind of writing. I don't update either blog out of obligation but when I feel led to share something specific. I find inspiration at Leslie's blog as I am moved to tears nearly every time I visit her.

I am passionate about photography. This is very recent for me. When I first decided to start a blog I did some blog walking and happened upon France Photography and her photos made me feel something. I don't know why but I just had to do it. I am passionate about taking life style photos of my own family so they are memories captured forever. I am passionate about capturing the emotion of the situation in my photos. I am passionate about developing the skills to do that for other families. I am passionate about honing my skills to be a blessing to others by volunteering with Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep where photographers volunteer their time and skill to families who have lost their infants. By providing gentle beautiful and often times the only photos of their baby to treasure for a lifetime and assist in healing their grief. If I never make a living at taking pictures I absolutely will volunteer for NILMDTS.

I am passionate about Christ and being an open vessel for God to work through to bless others.

2 drops of sunshine:

Leslie said...

wow Kari, how our passions our lined up pretty close. Your blog is being used, most definetly. Your honest in your blog, your not just trying to paint a good picture, and that is evident, how awesome your goal to work with NILMDTS....they are a fantastic organization. I always said I would sign up after I delivered Rylan and then life got crazy. But I figured I need to go threw a birth myself to understand the magnititude, and be as sensitive as possible. Be a mother myself. So now this post reminds me.

Leslie said...

seriously huh, Ive putted off asking people too and its my own challenge, how bad is that... :) hehe...
I want to put a book togethor for Ry, but I also "want" to finish her baby book... maybe like a blurb book or something, I dunno... there is so much I want to do...